maandag 23 november 2015

It's been a while since my previous post...

Writing is not easy.

You need inspiration, time, and the willingness to spend that time writing. And unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of pay-off. My hope when starting this blog was to get in tocuh with people with similar fantasies, or who can in another way appreciate mine, but such contacts have been few. Getting comments on my stories really makes all the difference between writing and not bothering to.

That said, another problem has been the story "Alissa Razatski". It's not that I don't have ideas for how to continue - I do. The problem is, the plan I have for this story is rather big - it should become my longest story so far. But because of that, I can't get myself to actually write it. It's a lot of work, and I never find the energy to do it. I still intend to write it, eventually, but for now the best solution was to pause that story so I could at least allow myself to write others. Like a sequel to Raissa's Quest. I hope you will enjoy Raissa's Revenge.

Firestarter: What is your favorite story and why?

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Experiment 91! Because... it's the best, alongside Alissa Raazatski

  2. For me it´s "My life changed" - it has a geat potential for lots of szenarios.
    Regards, Mr.G.

  3. It's great that you're writing again, but I understand that sometimes it's hard to find the inspiration, the time, or both. I think in my case I write more for myself, even though it helps when people enjoy my writings. Alissa Raazatski is my favorite, and I think that's because of the potential it shows. Cheers!

  4. How can I possibly choose one above all the others? They are all so good in their own way and reading each transports me to place I wish I could visit. I could write stories but never would they capture the variety of human emotions or attention to detail. Then there's the discipline needed to sit down for hours and write..... I lack the discipline as I lack a pushy fetish mistress who could make me do it, Please continue, I'd like to be able to buy the another of your books of stories. Grateful thanks. Don.

  5. You inspire me to write but I never publish it anywhere but you do so keep doing it! With all my love, Paul

  6. Thanks everyone for the kind words. They mean a lot to me.

    Paul Long: if you want to you can always send me any text or ideas (i_like_to_wear_hoods at hotmail dot com). I love reading stories. :-)

  7. Definitely "My Life changed"
    Nice to see you back :)
