woensdag 14 juli 2021

Rules for Kuomu


The uniform to be worn by Kuomu depends on the temperature T (in Celsius degrees), which is calculated as follows:
T is the average of the current temperature and the average of the day’s (expected) minimum and maximum temperatures.
Example: on a day with minimum of 4 and maximum of 12 (average of those is 8), if the current temperature is 6, T would be 7; if the temperature rises to 12, T becomes 10.

The uniform is then determined by the following rules:
T <= 11: one hooded sweatshirt and one down jacket. (Hoods are always worn up, those of down jackets are always tightened; this is implicitly assumed in the following rules.)
T <= 8: add long down coat on top of down jacket
T <= 5: add scarf and mittens
T <= 2: add Moonboots 
T <= -1: tie hoods as tight as possible (only leave eyes and nose showing)
T <= -4: add balaclava, replace mittens with oversized mittens secured around wrists
T <= -7 (and every next step of 3°): add a down jacket


  1. The uniform must always be worn outdoors. Note: this means it is completely put on while indoors, and stays on completely at least until after going in.
  2. When putting on the uniform, one layer must always be completed before starting the next. This means a jacket must be closed and the hood put up before starting the next.
  3. When going indoors, (partly) removing the uniform is not allowed for durations less than five minutes, between the moment of removing a part of the uniform and putting it on again. Exceptions may be made only for the reason of showing off the uniform better, by taking off the coat’s hood to reveal the down jacket underneath. Mittens can be taken off if the use of hands is necessary, but random browsing on the phone is not a good reason for this, and a bank card can be used with mittens on if it’s been taken out of the wallet beforehand (plan accordingly). Note: if you are not sure whether you will be inside for less than five minutes, it’s probably best to err on the side of caution and not risk punishment. Deliberately staying indoors longer than needed to avoid this rule is not allowed. 
  4. On public transport, when arriving at the destination, the uniform must be put on completely before the vehicle comes to a stop. As always, be aware of the time needed to put everything on and plan accordingly. Risking a punishment is still worse than having to wear the uniform for a few more minutes.
  5. When at rest, stand in a proper posture: stand straight up, look forward, keep arms to the sides, feet parallel and not too far apart. If Moonboots are worn, they must be touching.


Two types of infractions are distinguished:
Category 1: willingly not wearing (a part of) the uniform when it is required for a period of at least one minute
Category 2: shorter and/or unintended mistakes against the rules, e.g. being a bit too slow to put everything on.
Note that if a category 2 infraction is not corrected as soon as possible, it automatically becomes a category 1 infraction.

The severity of the punishment is determined by rolling two normal six-sided dice. The following procedure is applied:
  1. Die 1 is the duration of the punishment, in days. It starts the moment of the first opportunity to wear the uniform under the rules of the punishment. It ends at the end (23:59) of the Nth day after that, where N is the die roll result. Days on which no uniform is worn are not counted.
  2. Die 2’s result will be used to modify T. For a category 1 offense, it will be subtracted from the temperature T (as calculated above) and the modified T will be used to determine what uniform must be worn. For example, if the roll was a 4, while T is 7 degrees, uniform will be worn as if T were 3. For a category 2 offense, the die result is first divided by 2 and rounded up, then used in the same way.
  3. If another infraction is made during the time of a punishment, its punishment time will be added immediately after the previous punishment’s end. (It will be as if the offense was made exactly when the previous punishment ended.) New dice will be rolled for the next punishment, but 1 will be added to both rolls. (In the case of the second die of a category 2 offense, this is done after the division by 2.)
  4. If an infraction is made during the time of a punishment AND another punishment is still waiting to be carried out, the punishment for this new infraction will start at the same as the punishment that was queued up (after the current one ends). No more than two punishments can be in effect at the same time; any further punishment that is earned will start as soon as another one has ended.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Good to see you posting again. You have been missed

  2. I agree and hope, this ends in an new story :-)

  3. @winterclothes2

    Ces règles sont bien faites et doivent être appliquées sans faillir. Dommage que je ne puisse pas les appliquer comme cela car j’habite une région trop chaude une partie de l’année pour obtenir ces valeurs de T.

    par contre, si je peux me permettre, il manque plusieurs choses :

    1/ il doit être difficile et même interdit que la personne se déshabille pour aller aux toilettes ? Il faut absolument lui mettre des couches épaisses et deux culottes de caoutchouc assez résistantes pour qu’il n’y ait pas de fuites tout au long de la journée.

    2/ il faut prévoir des règles supplémentaires pour les jours de pluie et même s’il y a un risque d’averse (même hypothétique). Des tenues de pluies épaisses et restrictives doivent être portées par dessus les couches de manteaux. Il ne faut pas non plus oublier les bottes en caoutchouc, fourrées de préférence.

    Qu’en pensez-vous ?

  4. Hi Koumu,

    I wonder how long it takes, to use this rules in a story, OR - my favorite, start a new story with another young woman in the role of "sufferint in thick wool, fleece and down layers

    I guess the weather became cold enought to think about such ideas, so pls. go ahead, your readers are waiting, and I cannot guarantee, how long they will stay patient ,-)

  5. It’s been over a year. Please write more! We all love these
