woensdag 27 augustus 2014


Hi all,

I have some pretty big news about my stories. I know it's been a while but there's a good reason for that. I was contacted by the editor of Bound Editions a while ago, and the result is that my stories have now been published as a book! I'm very excited about this and I hope people will want to read it.

The book contains all the short stories posted here. Some of the stories have received a couple of additional chapters ('Experiment 91' and 'My life changed') and it also contains an exclusive new story ('Lady Somersall's Household'). If you like my stories at all, I hope you will hop over to Bound Editions and purchase my book. It's not expensive at all, and it would greatly motivate to write more.

The book is titled 'Well Wrapped' and it can be found here:
It can be purchased either as an ebook (pdf) or as a printed book.

As for my blog, it will still be updated. I plan to keep posting the majority of my stories here. But if this blog appeals to you, I would appreciate it if you bought my book. I currently have no idea how large my audience is, and this should be a good indicator.

In further new, fans of Lax' stories are encouraged to check out his own blog:

I intend to post a new story soon, and meanwhile I hope you enjoy the new chapters in my book. :-)
